Broadcasting began in the Fall of 2015. The program is part of the National Federation of High School Sports Network (NFHS) in Atlanta. There are 2,000 members of the network including The top 40 schools nationwide are selected for ELITE status every year. has won this honor in each of its four years of existence and is the only program of its kind and status in San Joaquin County.
We broadcast over 80 live sporting events each and every year. All varsity sports are broadcast at least once a year. All football games are broadcast live. The following sports have all their playoff events covered live: Football, Girls Volleyball and Boys and Girls Basketball. In addition to the sports coverage, broadcasts a magazine show called SM Today at least 12 times a year. The show is a slice of life at Saint Mary’s. The class also produces advertisements for broadcast and promotional films for Saint Mary’s High School.
The program is under the direction of Mr. Paul Scheet who has guided it since its inception. He has been a teacher and administrator at Saint Mary’s High School since 1985 and is a member of the Saint Mary’s Hall of Fame. Mr. Scheet got his starting in Broadcasting at Loyola Marymount University where he was the Sports Director of radio station KXLU. In 2001, Broadcasting began as an activity at Saint Mary’s High School with football games being broadcast over Immaculate Heart Radio KWG 1230 AM. Eventually, the program switched from radio to internet streaming as a member of several different streaming networks until finally finding a home with the NFHS Network adding video to the existing audio program. is open to all interested students as an activity. It is also a class in the Fine Arts Department which is open to all sophomores through seniors. The class is approved as a Saint Mary’s High School graduation requirement and it fulfills the UC/CSU Fine Arts Entrance Requirement.